Header image shows a jumping insect


May 20, 2022

A bee on the flower of senna occidentalis පැණි තෝර

Pollinators—insects and animals move pollen. The movement of pollen is necessary to pollinate crops and maintain biodiversity. Some plants are pollinated without the help of insects and animals. Some other plants are pollinated by pollen carried by the wind. Some of the pollinators, for example, honey bees collect pollen intentionally but they move pollen unknowingly while collecting pollen from flowers.

Since ancient times, honey which is made by honeybees has been known as a vital medicinal agent. Honey has been used, since ancient times, for medicinal purposes. Honey, has also been used for food.

A bee on an egg plant වම්බොටු flower

Bees and other pollinators contribute to the mitigation of climate change. In other words, bees and other pollinators help us survive. Loss of natural habitats as a result of the changes in land cover and use and some farming practices will lead to a decline in pollinators.

The day reminds us of the significance of bees and other pollinators. We can help pollinators—by preserving natural habitats, and providing suitable habitats!

The images were captured as it was found happening in nature, and not enhanced using software. Images may be subject to copyright.




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