Exchange rate
Date: 2024-11-22 | 1 New Zealand Dollar (NZD) = 0.58809 United States Dollar (USD). 1 NZD = 100 cents (NZc)
Date | Crude | Diesel (NZc.p.l) | Diesel (NZc.p.l) | Diesel (NZc.p.l) |
(NZD.p.bbl) | Importer cost | Discounted retail price | importer margin | |
2024-11-22 | 123.25 | 101.76 | 198.09 | 51.96 |
Data Source:Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment New Zealand.
Crude - Dubai crude NZD per bbl | Diesel - cost/price/importer margin: NZ cents per litre (NZc.p.l)
Importer cost: Cost of importing the fuel to New Zealand — including the cost of purchasing the fuel in Singapore, shipping it to New Zealand, insurance and losses, and wharfage and handling.
Main port price: A weekly average of retail prices in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, and Christchurch.
Discounted price: Calculated as the main port price less an estimated discount. Data is flagged as “Provisional” if it uses forecasted discounts in the calculations.
Importer margin: The gross margin available to fuel retailers to cover domestic transportation, distribution and retailing costs in New Zealand, as well as profit margins.
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