Pump Prices – TZS/Litre

Effective from 6 November 2024

Dar es Salaam 2,9432,8442,844
Karatu 3,0232,9292,929
Monduli - Makuyuni 3,0152,9212,921
Bagamoyo 2,9542,8552,855
Chalinze Junction 2,9572,8582,858
Kisarawe 2,9502,8512,851
Dodoma 3,0012,9032,903
Chamwino (Mlowa) 3,0092,9102,910
Kongwa 2,9992,9002,900
Mtera (Makatopora) 3,0202,9212,921
Bukombe 3,0972,9982,998
Nyang'hwale 3,1233,0243,024
Kilolo 3,0112,9122,912
Mufindi (Mgololo) 3,0292,9302,930
Karagwe (Kayanga) 3,1753,0763,076
Ngara 3,1463,0473,047
Mlele (Inyonga) 3,0822,9832,983
Kigoma 3,1053,0063,006
Kigoma 3,1053,0063,006
Muyobozi Village (Uvinza) 3,1073,0083,008
Kakonko 3,1063,0073,007
Kilimanjaro (Moshi) 2,9942,9012,901
Rombo (Mkuu) 3,0112,9182,918
Lindi 3,0012,9032,903
Liwale 3,0222,9242,924
Manyara (Babati) 3,0392,9452,945
Mbulu 3,0512,9582,958
Musoma Vijijini (Busekela) 3,1213,0223,022
Bunda 3,1003,0013,001
Serengeti (Mugumu) 3,1173,0183,018
Mbeya 3,0502,9512,951
Chunya (Lupa Tingatinga) 3,0662,9682,968
Rujewa (Madibira) 3,0472,9482,948
Busokelo (lwangwa) 3,0672,9692,969
Kilombero (Ifakara) 3,0052,9072,907
Ulanga (Mahenge) 3,0162,9172,917
Gairo 2,9862,8872,887
Mvomero (Sanga Sanga) 2,9682,8692,869
Nanyumbu (Mangaka) 3,0642,9652,965
Tandahimba 3,0402,9412,941
Kwimba 3,1113,0123,012
Misungwi (Mbarika) 3,0972,9992,999
Njombe 3,0352,9362,936
Ludewa 3,0732,9742,974
Wanging'ombe (Igwachanya) 3,0332,9342,934
Kalambo (Matai) 3,1233,0243,024
Nkasi (Kirando) 3,1393,0403,040
Namtumbo 3,0712,9732,973
Shinyanga 3,0712,9732,973
Ushetu (Nyamilangano) 3,0882,9892,989
Simiyu (Bariadi) 3,0892,9912,991
Maswa 3,0832,9842,984
Iramba 3,0452,9472,947
Ikungi 3,0292,9302,930
Songwe (Vwawa) 3,0592,9602,960
Songwe (Vwawa) 3,0592,9602,960
Songwe (Vwawa) 3,0592,9602,960
Tabora 3,0512,9522,952
Ulyankulu 3,0612,9622,962
Urambo 3,0612,9622,962
Tanga 2,9482,8552,855
Korogwe 2,9602,8672,867
Bumbuli 2,9792,8852,885
Pangani 2,9552,8622,862
Pangani 2,9552,8622,862
Pangani 2,9552,8622,862



Retail Cap Prices – TZS/Litre

Oil Marketing Companies are free to sell their products at a price that gives them a competitive advantage provided that, such price does not exceed the price cap and is not below the floor price for the relevant product.




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