Weekly Fuel Prices 17 / 09 / 2024

Prices of UNL 95 & 98 and Diesel oil /20 Liters

Price of Gas (LPG) /10 Kg

Lebanese Pound (LBP) is also called the Lebanese Lira (LL)

Exchange Rate (Banque du Liban, 4/28/2023): 1 USD to LBP = 15,000

Sayrafa rate (Banque du Liban, 5/9/2023): 1 USD to LBP = 86,300

UNL 95 1,416,000 L.L.
UNL 98 1,456,000 L.L.
Diesel 1,328,000 L.L.
Gas (LPG) 907,000 L.L.

Source: IPT




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