With effect from 1 September 2024.

The Fijian dollar (currency sign: FJ$, $; currency code: FJD)

Exchange Rate (06 September 2024): 1 FJD = 0.452 USD

Any area on the Island of Viti Levu located within 3 km from any public road

VIP-Retail ($) VEP-Wholesale (c)

Bulk Sale
Motor spirit (unleaded) 2.90 242.46
Gasoil (diesoline) 2.50 207.57
Pre-mixed outboard fuel 2.72 226.50

Drum Sale Drum Sale
Motor spirit (unleaded) 3.03 254.46
Gasoil (diesoline) 2.62 219.57
Pre-mixed outboard fuel 2.84 238.50

Any area on the Island of Viti Levu located beyond 3 km from any public road

VIP-Retail ($) VEP-Wholesale (c)

Bulk Sale
Motor spirit (unleaded) 2.95 246.46
Gasoil (diesoline) 2.54 211.57
Pre-mixed outboard fuel 2.82 230.50

Drum Sale Drum Sale
Motor spirit (unleaded) 3.07 258.46
Gasoil (diesoline) 2.66 223.57
Pre-mixed outboard fuel 2.94 242.50

Any area on the Islands of Vanua Levu and Ovalau located within 3 km from any public road

VIP-Retail ($) VEP-Wholesale (c)

Bulk Sale
Motor spirit (unleaded) 2.94 245.33
Gasoil (diesoline) 2.53 210.38
Pre-mixed outboard fuel 2.86 234.20

Drum Sale Drum Sale
Motor spirit (unleaded) 3.06 257.33
Gasoil (diesoline) 2.65 222.38
Pre-mixed outboard fuel 2.98 246.20

Any area on the Islands of Vanua Levu and Ovalau located beyond 3 km from any public road

VIP-Retail ($) VEP-Wholesale (c)

Bulk Sale
Motor spirit (unleaded) 2.97 248.33
Gasoil (diesoline) 2.56 213.38
Pre-mixed outboard fuel 2.90 237.20

Drum Sale Drum Sale
Motor spirit (unleaded) 3.09 260.33
Gasoil (diesoline) 2.68 225.38
Pre-mixed outboard fuel 3.02 249.20

Any area within the Republic of Fiji other than the Islands mentioned

VIP-Retail ($) VEP-Wholesale (c)

Bulk Sale and Drum Sale
Motor spirit (unleaded) 3.27 276.12
Gasoil (diesoline) 2.85 240.23
Pre-mixed outboard fuel 3.15 260.16

Any area on the Island of Rotuma

VIP-Retail ($) VEP-Wholesale (c)

Drum Sale
Motor spirit (unleaded) 3.47 279.12
Gasoil (diesoline) 3.03 243.23
Pre-mixed outboard fuel 3.33 263.16

Source: Government of Fiji


The prices (per litre) are the maximum retail or wholesale prices

“Bulk Sale” - a single transaction exceeds a truck load

“Drum Sale”- safely stored in industrial drums

“VAT”- the value added tax

“VEP”- the price exclusive of VAT

“VIP”- the price inclusive of VAT




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