Header image shows white flowers of a wax apple tree


A raised garden bed

A raised garden bed is a large container located aboveground in a sunny spot, to hold soil for planting. It is a wooden, brick, or other structure without a bottom used to fill soil above the ground.

The bed should be located to receive at least four hours of full sun each day. Compared to a normal garden bed, a raised container filled with nutrients enriched, loose soil ensures healthy plant growth. A higher bed holds more moisture, and have more freedom for roots.

A garden must be well-drained for plants. In areas where the groundwater table is shallow, plants in a normal bed will suffer. A container, which sits aboveground, drains excess water better than normal beds.

This deep brick raised garden bed is located in an area where there is a shallow water table, in a wet zone. Bricks are stacked, tightly, on top of each other without using cement. The bed was used for planting tomatoes.


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